House Arrest

What We Do

EHM/House arrest

We offer state of the art, 24-hour electronic home monitoring services for clients in many of the counties in the state of Washington. Don’t get fooled by that cheap knock off company out there, with inferior equipment. If you have been sentenced to serve your time at home via electronic home monitoring, then we are the company for you. Our manufacturer trained agents are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help you get set up at home, from the jail, or one of our may offices locations. Call us today to make an appointment or to ask about our “Executive Level” gps tracker... Learn More

Alcohol Monitoring

The SCRAM CAM system is the world’s most widely used and trusted 24/7 transdermal alcohol testing system. Many of our clients have opted out of those embarrassing hand-held breathalyzers that beep, and have you test at the most inopportune time. Once your SCRAM device is installed by our SCRAM, manufacturer trained agents, it quietly tests your perspiration approximately every thirty minutes. There’s been more than a few times our SCRAM bracelets helped our clients prove their sobriety when a false positive alerted on a breathalyzer because of something you just ate. Learn More


The Triton Group has been involved in the justice system for many years from fugitive recovery to jail alternatives. We are always considering the future for new technologies which will provide the best and most cost-effective products for you. Every one of our agents goes through yearly manufacturer training to keep up to date on new trends in the industry. Why does this matter? Because your compliance is your freedom. So just remember, If the Devil made you do it, The Triton Group will get you through it! Learn More

Checkout our other companies for help: DUI Monitoring and Bail | Zig Zag Bail Bonds | D&P Electronic Home Monitoring