With the Triton Group you not only will get accurate offender reporting, but also expert testimonies by our qualified staff members if needed. We will ensure excellent personal customer service while working one on one with your probation department putting a face with our name. We can set you up in our systems using private user names allowing you to check in on your defendants ensuring we are keeping up our commitment of 100% transparency to the courts.We provide enrollment verification within minutes of installation 24 hours a day via fax or email depending on the Penal Counties requirements. Our agents offers weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, and instant violation and progress reports per request.
The Triton Group provides you with the latest and most accurate products in home detention and alcohol monitoring. We continually test new products before implementing them within our company.
Current product and services:
- Court Training - Triton offers training and seminars on or equipment and business reporting records. We will have the manufacturer fly in to explain the capabilities and restrictions of our equipment. This allows you to feel more comfortable with our company practices and reporting, knowing if a true violation occurs you will be notified accurately and immediately.
- Home Detention -Wireless RF technology allows the offenders to go to work and keep in compliance with court ordered treatment and AA classes. These cellular units track when an offender leaves and enters their homes. Perfect for low risk offenders.
- Real Time GPS - This one-piece unit is typically worn on the ankle and monitors an offenders position 24 hour a day via government satellites. We can set up inclusion zones for work, home, school, and other court approved activities insuring compliance. Exclusions zones can be created to keep offenders away from known drug areas, casinos, DV victims and gang hang outs to ensure public safety.
- Alcohol Monitoring (SCRAM) -24/7 Alcohol Monitoring via transdermal bracelet. This gives you a complete snapshot into an offender’s habits and demands full abstinence unlike handheld breathalyzers which only give you a snapshot into your offender’s sobriety.
- Drug Patches - Drug patches use sweat as a specimen source and an alternative to random urine collection. Because the sweat patches are worn for 10 days or longer it can act as a deterrent and increases the window of detection. This screens for opiates, marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine and PCP