Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Are all electronic monitoring companies the same?
Absolutely not! Pricing, customer service and reputation with the courts will differ from company to company. You will want to look at reviews, talk to your attorney or probation officer and see who they recommend. The last thing you will want to do is complete your sentence only to find out you were installed incorrectly by an agency and you must do your sentence over again. It’s happened, not with us but it has.
What is Home Monitoring?
Home detention is an alternative to imprisonment; its goals are both to reduce recidivism and to decrease the number of prisoners. Home monitoring affords individuals to complete their sentence at home, allowing individuals to maintain their family unit and continue to work. Home monitoring ranges from curfew monitoring (RF) or gps tracking.
What equipment is used and who pays for them?
Depending on the jurisdiction, payment sometimes is done by the courts but typically it’s the responsibility of the participant to cover the fees. Expect to wear a bracelet around your ankle for the duration of your sentence. Some bracelets track your location, alert your agency to when you enter and exit your “Inclusion area”, or “Exclusion areas”, and some detect alcohol.
What is SCRAM?
SCRAM is an acronym for Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring. A SCRAM CAM (Continuous Alcohol Monitoring) is a bracelet you wear above your ankle that detects alcohol in your insensible perspiration. The SCRAM CAM can detect and distinguish between consumed alcohol or an interferant in the air.
Can I leave my home?
The assumption is that house arrest is like being in jail, but at home. You must be there all day, every day. Typically, the sentencing court will allow you to leave for court appearances, work, doctors appointments and treatment. When you get signed up with your agency should be able to help you with that.
Do I need a landline?
Yes and no. With the newer technologies out today, you should not. Some agencies still use older technology and you should clarify that when interviewing them. If your sentence to a SCRAM CAM bracelet you will need an internet or wifi connection for the device to work properly. If neither of these are available to you, you’ll have to come into your agency to download your bracelets information.
Can I travel when under House Arrest?
Yes, but only with permission from the presiding court. Some exceptions have been made to accommodate work or family emergencies.
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